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trust coin


There's a version of the future emerging from an intersection, a tension, between the 'known' and a 'feeling of change' that doesn't have a tangible form.

This 'known' is a lack of purpose & dignity for a significant number of talented & willing people who can positively shape the future of humanity. They're presently obscured by the noise, invisible, stuck in survival-only loops tending downwards, both, materially & spiritually. 

But within them exists an undeniable resistance against the social values and disjointed economic incentives — of a world whose false narratives are being brutally exposed. They can no longer partake in the game as it was played until the turn of the decade. 

Yet.. on the optimistic side of things, this resistance, reveals itself as a feature of human evolution, and a 'change' is on its way.

The 'change' therefore is a mechanism of recognizing these people, resource allocation, and support infrastructure, so they can step aside from pursuing low quality feed-the-machine games, and nurture their unique pathways & unusual talents, to the kind of levels where they become gifts for society. 

We're not talking about improving a set of "in-demand" skills that make you a cog in  a market of emergent shallow incentives, we're talking of people who see and feel life differently to the herd.

But this change is unlikely to work as a system of goal-based expectations or "I'll support you for 'x' months to see what you can do" type of low resolution approach. It's instead going to require developing the type of conditions within a particular space where, human (not machine validated) trust can flourish. 

TrustCoin will be an important experiment. Without this, many of our current & potential bright sparks might fade away; worse, we won't know they ever existed. 

This is why it's worth everything.